Things and Such…

So, things have gotten a little better.  I’m not panicking and crying at the drop of a hat any more.  We found an oncologist, we’ve got insurance, and we have a goal.

The Husbandly One has lost dangerous amounts of weight, because he’s extremely anemic and is like… two points away from needing a transfusion.  The oncologist, however, feels that an iron infusion would be more beneficial, so next Tuesday, THO will be sitting in a recliner for five hours while he gets intravenous iron.

On Monday, he’ll be getting an IV port surgically implanted for future chemo treatments.

Hopefully, the iron will help with the anemia and will stimulate his appetite so he can eat again.  He’s so so thin, and it’s hard not to be a little scared by it.  I have watched the weight literally bleeding off him…he now weighs 121 lbs, whereas he weighed about 165 to 170 last year at this time.  He was about 145 in September, which we had both said was a good weight for him.

121, though, not so much.

He’s going to get through this.  We are all going to get through this.

We can do this.

About toasterpop

The busy mom of two deviously intelligent children who make Calvin and Hobbes look like rank amateurs, Toasterpop Jones writes regularly about her adventures in Life, the Universe, and Everything. Whenever she can steal the time, that is...
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2 Responses to Things and Such…

  1. iadorespike says:

    You can do this. Insurance! You and your family have been in my thoughts since your last post, and I’ve been sending all the positive vibes your way that I can. That won’t stop. You can do this.



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